Wildly Radiant: The Story Behind Rozuri by Maya

Wildly Radiant: The Story Behind Rozuri by Maya

Rozuri by Maya isn't just another skincare brand – it's a story of connection, empowerment, and a deep love for the land. Founded by Catherine Nieuwoudt, Rozuri by Maya draws inspiration from the breathtaking mountain kingdom of Lesotho, Catherine's childhood home.

From Lesotho's Mountains to the World

Catherine witnessed firsthand the transformative power of Rosehip oil. This potent ingredient not only offered incredible benefits for the skin, but also provided a vital source of income for over 4,000 people in Lesotho, mainly women supporting their families. This connection between nature's bounty and community wellbeing sparked the idea behind Rozuri by Maya.

More Than Skincare, Empowering Women Through Nature's Gifts

Rozuri by Maya's mission extends far beyond creating luxurious skincare products. Catherine envisions a future where African botanicals empower even more women. By seeking out potent natural ingredients and fostering sustainable practices, Rozuri by Maya aims to create a ripple effect of positive change within African communities.

Rozuri, A Name Rooted in Beauty and Strength

The name "Rozuri" itself reflects this philosophy. Drawing inspiration from the Swahili word "Zuri" meaning "graceful and beautiful," Rozuri by Maya aspires to inspire women everywhere to embrace their wholeness and radiate confidence.

Honoring the Past, Inspiring the Future, A Legacy of Love

"Maya" in the brand name holds a special significance. It honors Catherine and Herman Nieuwoudt's beloved daughter, Maya. Channeling Maya's spirit of generosity and joy, Rozuri by Maya strives to create a world where women can flourish and live empowered lives.

A Deep Reverence for Nature's Power

Rozuri by Maya is deeply connected to the rich biodiversity of Southern Africa. The brand celebrates the resilience of these "super plants" that thrive even in harsh conditions. By harnessing their natural healing properties, Rozuri by Maya offers women a chance to connect with the power of nature in their daily routines.

Women Uplifting Women, A Circle of Empowerment

Community is at the heart of Rozuri by Maya. Each product is seen as an extension of the incredible network of women who cultivate, harvest, and create these natural wonders. With every purchase, you contribute to supporting these local businesses and fostering a sense of global connection among women.

Sustainable Practices, Leaving the World a Better Place

Rozuri by Maya prioritizes responsible sourcing. Their Rosehip Seed Oil is the purest and most ethically sourced in the world. Wild-grown on indigenous lands and hand-picked at peak maturity, these ingredients are transformed into products that leave you feeling not only radiant but also connected to the earth. Additionally, Rozuri by Maya proudly supports sustainable practices that ensure a healthy future for our planet.

Join the Rozuri by Maya Journey

Rozuri by Maya is more than just skincare – it's a movement. It's about celebrating the power of nature, empowering women, and fostering a deep connection with the land. By choosing Rozuri by Maya, you're not just treating your skin, you're becoming part of a story that uplifts, inspires, and radiates beauty from within.